Imagine you are watching the world and the world moves in slow motion (as in movies). Are you fast or slow ?
If the answer is slow:
World is moving slowly w.r.t. you. so you are not slower.
If the answer is fast:
You are watching and you know you can not be faster to watch !
If the answer is while watching you are neighther fast nor slow:
Is n't it amazing, we can see slow motion real time world by just watching ?
It is upto you whether you want to feel or understand!
According to Einstein's Theory of Gravitation, all objects have their own independent clocks.
Which is why, if you have one of a pair of twins going off on a long journey at high speeds, on returning home to meet with his stay-at-home twin, he would find that the stay-at-home twin is older.
Perhaps you should read Stephen Hawking's A Briefer History of Time.
What do you mean by "the world"? Do you mean people around you (walking in slow motion like the Matrix) or the globe revolving and rotating?
I would assume the former. In that case, I have a counter question. If I am sitting still on a "kutti chuvar" and a beautiful, young blonde is walking past me very fast, am I slow or fast?
I think your answer to the second answer is flawed! Just because I can watch, it doesn't mean that I cannot watch the slow world. Of course, the blonde, who is faster than me can watch me (only if she care to! :) ). The only necessary condtion here is that light has to travel faster than the blonde (and thankfully it is!)
I love confusing the confusion (that is you!)
I meant to say "Just be cause I can watch, it doesn't mean that I cannot be faster than the world"
Hope I have confused you in the proper way and not the improper way!
I myself got confused. Following article gives a glimpse of what I say.
it is funny also.
I myself confused :).
Following article gives a glimpse of what I am trying to say. it is funny article.
hurry vs lazyness
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